Tag Archives: travel

3 Things I Learned in Haiti That Changed Me

I struggled with how to do this blog post. This trip was so educational for me. I learned a lot about Haiti, about the world, but especially about myself. It would be impossible to summarize in one blog post. So I thought I’d concentrate it to the thee big things I learned that truly did change me. But first… Why …

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Chicken Roulade

I’m writing to you today from cloudy and cool Saginaw, Michigan, where I’m visiting my friend Pam (of “The Journey to a Healthier Me” or you all would best know her as the cover designer of all of Bariatric Foodies fabulous book offerings on Amazon!). She’s been showing me all sorts of lovely places and I’m having a blast. We’ve …

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#WLSFA Meet & Greet Recap (Part Two)

I’m late as all get out! I could give you some spiel about life being busy but…what does it matter? Here we are and I am late! So where did I leave off? Oh yes, at the lunch. So after hearing Dr. Garth speak I returned to the Quest exhibition table for a few hours. We completely “sold out” (gave …

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Nik’s #WLSFA2013 Recap: Part One

(This is part one of two. Check back later this week for part two!) I just returned from the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation “Mother of All Meet & Greets”, held at Bally’s Las Vegas from May 17 – 19. And now I wanna tell you ALL about it! Firstly, a big shout out to Quest Nutrition (makers of our beloved …

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FitBloggin’ 2012 – Day One Report

Need I say more??? Yes? Well ok, then! As I said yesterday, I am attending the FitBloggin’ 2012 Conference here in Baltimore with my pals Melting Mama and Eggface. Today, the festivities kicked off with a tour of the McCormick Spice facilities in Hunt Valley, MD and the above is the lunch they served us. Actually, I misspeak. That was …

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Bariatric Foodie will be at FitBloggin 2012!

So…I’ve been a little…sparse…lately. Life gets that way for me sometimes! I am working on a few new recipes but this week my focus is on a conference I’m attending called FitBloggin’. Here’s a description from their website. The FitBloggin’ Conference is for anyone who blogs about fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle–regardless of where they are in …

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