Tag Archives: Soup Week

Cook Along Contest: Amy’s Cabbage Kielbasa Soup

~~posted by Jen First, a shout out to everyone who cooked along during Soup Week a couple weeks ago and sent in their pictures and recipe modifications. We’ll be sharing the submissions all week. Amy made Nik’s Cabbage & Sausage Soup, and her only change to the original recipe was using Turkey Kielbasa instead of sausage. She said it smelled …

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Jen’s Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

~~posted by Jen Fall is the perfect time to roasting vegetables and Butternut squash is a fall favorite! It is colorful, it cooks up soft, and the flavor is mild, which means we can play with our food and customize the taste! Cut up and ready to be roasted! If I plan to have this soup on a week night, I’ll …

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Nik’s Comforting Cabbage and Sausage Stew

Cabbage has an interesting reputation amongst vegetables. It looks sort of like a head of lettuce when it’s raw (and, yes, I have bought a head thinking it is lettuce before. Don’t pretend you haven’t either!), it’s got lots of water in it and it is extremely affordable. All this leads some to believe that this is a simple food …

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Nik’s Carrot-Ginger Soup…

…is actually a misnomer. It’s actually carrot ginger butternut squash soup, but that’s not quite as snappy, so I changed the name. So shoot me! I posted this soup a while back and I’ve made it a few times since then, made some tweaks…not many, but a few. The question I get asked about this soup is HOW to serve …

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Cowboy Soup

~~posted by Jen This soup is kind of a cross between chili and vegetable beef soup. A good friend of mine makes her taco soup like this, except without the mixed vegetables, and she adds hot sauce to it. She serves it over corn chips, but that is not the best choice for us in our post-op eating plans.  I …

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Chicken Quinoa Vegetable Soup

~~posted by Jen Quinoa and chicken and veggies, oh my! Beef Barley soup was one of my “go to” recipes in my pre-op life when we were having people over on a Fall or Winter weekend. It was delicious and always a crowd pleaser, but I needed to change it a bit to fit my new post-op eating plan. I …

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Nik’s Split Pea and Ham Soup

Hey peeps! How’s it cookin’ so far for Soup Week? Did any of you try Jen’s Practically Famous Chili yesterday? It’s good isn’t it? Later on this week I’ll show you my interpretation of chili, but first we’ve got a whole bunch of other kinds of soup to talk about! Before we talk about this split pea and ham soup, though, …

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Jen’s Practically Famous Chili

~~posted by Jen Welcome to our first ever Soup Week! Yesterday I posted the BF Basics guide to making soup, along with the Downloadable Shopping list for the Cook Along. This recipe falls into the “slow cooker” category. It can be made on the stove, but the Crock Pot is just easier. For many years, I made chili the standard …

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