Tag Archives: Fiber

Reader Submission: Chrissi’s Spicy Bean Dip

All the pretty colors… (Before we get to this recipe…have you taken a look at the finalist recipes for the Fit Frappe recipe contest? Yes, ok. Well…have you voted yet so that YOU have a chance to win some Fit Frappe? Ah…you didn’t, did you? Go do it now! We’ll wait.)  Alrighty then! So anyone that knows me knows that …

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Name This Dish (really…I need you to name it!)

Then, of course, you should make it. Cuz it’s yummy! So…I should say there are only a scant few situations in life where your girl Nik feels totally zen. During a REALLY intense workout (those who are exercise buffs know that when you are in the zone that is as close to the divine as you can get) and when …

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Lady of the Rings

Certain popular websites for girls who happen to be hungry claim this recipe, but it’s been around forever. I got it from somebody who got it from somebody who got it from somebody else which is probably the same place THAT chick got her recipe from. She was just smart enough to market it. That being said… I was in …

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Carbquik Pancakes (part one)

Interesting name for a post about pancakes, innit? You all have seen my Carbquik pancake recipe right? Well…I am always looking to improve my recipes and techniques. To that effect, I was browsing stuff online and came across some Carbalose flour. I’d seen it before but wasn’t quite sure I wanted to try to use it. I mean Carbquik already …

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Not your mama’s french fry…

Ok…so here’s the thing about carbs. You can’t avoid them. Why? Because your body uses every nutrient you take in for some purpose. In our former lives maybe we didn’t move so much so our body used it to store as fat for a “rainy day.” Nowadays, maybe we move a little more and our bodies use it for quick …

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