Tag Archives: Season of Giving

Winners of the Bariatric Foodie Season of Giving – Week Four!

Firstly thank you, thank you , THANK YOU for rocking this BariMelts giveaway. Long-time Foodies get sick of this spiel but I do have to reinforce why your participation is important! Getting stuff to give away is not easy. Companies determine what and how much they’ll give away through a blog based on several factors. One of them is the readership size, as …

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The Bariatric Foodie Season of Giving – Week Four!

What? You thought it was over??? No! We’ve got TWO more giveaways to do! That should ride us into “2014 Bariatric Foodie Pledge” Season nicely (click this link to check out last year’s Pledge to get familiar – it’s so much FUN!). This week’s giveaway is a little bit different. To explain how, I made a video BUT if you …

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