Red Beans & Sausage–The Weeknight Version

~~posted by Jen

As promised, here is the quicker version of my red beans and sausage, perfect for a busy week night. I prefer the slow cooker version, but this one tastes really good and my family can’t tell the difference. I tend to be a glutton for punishment, that’s probably why I think the more labor intense version tastes better!

This is great when you need to get a hearty meal on the table in a hurry. I had this on the table for tonight’s dinner in less than 20 minutes, no joke! Best of all, it’s loaded with protein, and your family won’t even realize the cauliflower “rice” isn’t real rice. So here’s how you do it:

Jen’s Weeknight Red Beans and Sausage

1 40.5 oz can dark red kidney beans (this is the super large can, you could use 3 small cans, whatever beans you like are fine)
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
1 packet Goya Ham Seasoning
4 tbsp Sofrito 1 tsp ground Cumin
3 heaping tbsp dried chopped onion (or 1/2 medium fresh onion, chopped & sauteed)
3/4 cup Chicken Stock (NOT broth, Stock)
2 whole links smoked sausage or kielbasa, sliced into 1/2 inch rounds (I used tofu Italian Sausage this time, since my resident vegetarian was eating this, too)
Salt and pepper to taste

In a heavy bottomed pot like this one combine all ingredients except the sausage, salt, and pepper. Stir until thoroughly combined, and bring it to a boil. Taste the bean and seasoning mixture, add salt and pepper if needed, and adjust the other seasonings to your taste. The Ham seasoning tends to be salty, so I did not need to add additional salt.

Let the beans simmer for a few minutes just so the flavors combine, then stir in your sausage. Heat for about 5 more minutes until completely heated through. Serve over cauliflower “rice”.  Tonight I made regular rice for the boys and ate my beans and sausage over nachos topped with lots of cheese!


  1. Dietitian in California

    This looks so delicious. I'll try this one for my family. My daughters will sure love this.

    I also notice that you cook with a lot of vegetables. So if ever the need comes up for knowing the calories in vegetables, free to drop by my site. A lot of people who go into a diet to lose weight, tend to munch on fruits and vegetables like there's no tomorrow. But they forgot, they're not calorie-free. So i decided to make this article to reach out to them.

    Anyway, this is a really nice blog. Keep it up!

  2. This was absolutely a wonderful dish. Is there anyway to estimate the calories and protein?

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