Blog Archives

Low-Carb Game-time Grub: Cauliflower Nachos

Cauliflower nachos. Because…why the heck not? During football season, nachos are a game-time favorite. But those tortilla chips? Eh. We can do better. Plus, cauliflower seems to be having a heydey in the world of low-carb eating. With the rise of the ketogenic (keto) diet and its emphasis on fat and protein over carbohydrates, the cauliflower fits into the perfect …

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Low-Carb Ramekin Shepherd’s Pie

Here’s another idea to throw onto the heap. I love cooking with ramekins. It’s so fun! You can make a perfect portion (by purchasing the ramekin size that suits you), it’s easy to ditch starches (like pie crust in this instance) and they are just darn cute, don’t you agree? I love Shepherd’s Pie. And I even love it without …

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Taco Soup

  …and a lesson about self-care. Since I realize I don’t put date stamps on my blog posts, for future reference this is being posted on December 5, 2013, the day after my 37th birthday. I know many of you wonder what to do on your birthday. In a former life there was cake and ice cream and overly indulgent …

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Super Juicy Meatloaf

  So…if you had absolutely no life, an abundant amount of time on your hands and no responsibilities and happened to have the interest in perusing the history of this blog…you would see that ground meat and I have a precarious relationship. Which is funny because I have lots of recipes on this blog using ground meat (like my “Magic Meatballs“). …

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Nik’s Pumpkin Chili

I would just like to note that this recipe was developed before the food industry decided to “pumpkin all the things” (as Shannon, your friendly neighborhood BF Facebook manager likes to say). I mean honestly! I went to the grocery store the other day and they had an entire wall of pumpkin products. Pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin beverages, pumpkin …

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Noodle-less Lasagna

This recipe is one of many delicious dishes featured in Bariatric Foodie’s latest cookbook, Oodles of Zoodles: Your Jumpstart Guide to Zucchini Noodles. Check it out today! So…obviously this Noodleess Lasagna isn’t a completely new recipe. When this post was originally published (about…five-ish years ago)…trust me…it was vanguard! But nowadays this is one of the most popular low-carb recipes out there. …

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