BF Top 5: Soup Serving Solutions

~~posted by Jen
Well we’re halfway through our first ever Soup Week! We’ve shared some delicious recipes, and lots of you are participating in our Cook Along Contest. Last week we gave you the Top 5 Soup-Making Essentials, so we thought this week we’ll cover the 
Top 5 Soup Serving Solutions
In no particular order, here they are:

1. Small Soup Serving Bowls

We all know that we eat with our eyes first, so by serving your portion of soup in a smaller bowl, it tricks you into thinking the portion is larger than it really is. 
I know it sounds nutty, but it works for me! I serve all my meals on appetizer/salad plates and in small bowls. It makes for easier portion control, AND helps me avoid mindless eating. 
If you grew up in the “Clean Your Plate Club” like I did, you know what I mean about feeling guilty about leaving food on your plate. This takes that issue completely away!

2. Soup Mug with Lid
This is perfect for early outs. I have one that I still use, it’s great for soup or practically any other hot food. I eat part of it, put the lid on, stick it in the fridge, then reheat it when I get ready for more.

I use this mainly for portions I pull from the freezer. My freezer containers are more than pouch-size serving, so they usually make 2 meals for me. This mug is great for just that purpose!

It’s also great to take to work, I have 2 days of lunches in 1 single cup.
3. A Chili Tureen for Game Day
Show your team spirit while serving up your favorite tailgaters. Perfect for serving up some chili  before the big game, no matter what team you support. 
I chose the Colts, because everyone knows Peyton Manning is at the top of my future husbands list. You could of course choose another team if you liked. 
This looks cool in the middle of your buffet table, nothing better than a functional centerpiece! (Great gift idea for the fans in your life, too.)
4. A Fancy Tureen for Holiday Meals
You all know how I feel about kitchen items, my sickness has been revealed to you many times. I actually have the big pumpkin tureen AND a set of eight individual pumpkin serving bowls. (I can feel Nik rolling her eyes as she reads this). 
With that said, if you normally host Thanksgiving, this is an absolutely stunning centerpiece AND it keeps the soup course warm. 
Need some holiday ideas and inspiration? It’s not too late to get your tickets to our Holiday Preview!!  You can order your tickets right from this page, click on the top right hand side of this page!
5. Complete Soup/Chili Serving Set
This is actually a very smart idea, the tureen, serving bowls, and spoons all in one matching set. Perfect for every day use, but still nice enough for company. I have a blue set similar to this one (don’t act so surprised!) and it gets lots of use during cooler weather.
The tureen doubles as a great server for hot dips at a party or gathering. This is also a stylish way to bring your soup or chili to a potluck or office party. 
Two other excellent ideas for transporting soup to other locations: Pyrex Portables or this awesome Slow Cooker that comes with a carrying case. If you already have a Crock Pot you love, you can get just the tote.  
That about covers it, top 5 Soup Serving Solutions! Now you can get your soup on AND take it with you!

BF Top 5: Soup Serving Solutions
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BF Top 5: Soup Serving Solutions
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