Tag Archives: solid food stage

Meatless Fridays: Thai Tuna Sliders

 I can’t tell you how many post-ops have looked me straight in the eye and told me it was impossible for them to have a good lunch at work. Now for some of you this is true. But many I spoke to worked in offices with all the necessary components to have a good lunch with just a little …

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Red Beans & Rice (a la Nik)

 What a perfect lazy day dinner this makes! I made this last night for the divas and I as we camped on the sofas and watched a marathon of 48 Hours Mystery (is it strange that my children like television news magazine programs?). Red Beans & Rice (a la Nik) Ingredients 3 cups of cooked kidney beans (I made my …

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Fast Food Swap: Nik’s Fruity “Maple” Oatmeal

 Oh McDonald’s. Your food is so appealing to the eye…but yet so scary when you find out the facts about it! Have you ever read Fast Food Nation? If you absolutely love McDonald’s…don’t read that book. It will freak you out and you’ll never want to eat there again. (Now I’ve gone and made you curious, haven’t I?) At …

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Chicken Tikka Masaala

Sometimes Nik likes to play with her food too! When I do, I most often do exotic dishes. I have a wanderer’s taste buds and I love food from nearly anywhere that makes food. This recipe comes from Food Network’s own Aarti Sequiera (who, by the way, started out as a food blogger). Since her recipe is so simple, I’m going to …

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Nik’s Mango Salsa

 Last Sunday morning I awakened with the desire to make mango salsa. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. Perhaps it was the four ever ripening mangoes I had sitting in my fruit basket that needed using NOW. Anyway, this is a ridiculously simple yet yummy salsa recipe that can be used alongside a good tortilla chip for the …

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How to Make Cauliflower Rice

 First, my apologies folks. This was supposed to go up yesterday but…it just didn’t…that’s all… So rice is the last starchy carb I have to talk about this week. We’ve already discussed oatmeal, pasta, cereal and bread. Check those out if you haven’t already. Rice. Again, some post-ops eat it. Some don’t. I don’t. The reason started out with …

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Mexican Spaghetti featuring “Skinny Spaghetti”

 RECAP: Along with the Carb Confusion series, I’m highlighting recipes and reviews of so-called “better for you starchy carbs.” So yesterday we tackled breakfast with the wonderful world of oatmeal. Today let’s discuss pasta. I should warn you and say that, in general, I am not a fan. And there’s no need to suggest your favorite post-op noodles. I’ve …

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BF Kid Zone: Warm Pocket Sandwiches

Someone call the Food CSI. That one on the left looks MURDERED!!!  Sometimes bad things happen to good food. Even mine. Especially mine. Which is why this recipe underwent my self-imposed three test batches before I even thought about presenting it to you. And yet…something went wrong. As you can see, one of my pocket sandwiches is gorgeous – …

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WLS-friendly Mozzarella Sticks

  Warning: These rarely come out pretty but they are always good! I love mozzarella sticks. Do you? The kind you get from the take-out place cause all sorts of problems for WLSers, though. There’s the fat (they are generally quick-fried). There’s the carbs (they are generally dipped in batter). But as we like to say here at Bariatric Foodie…play …

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Nik’s Angelic Eggs

~by Nikki Nik’s Angelic Eggs Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Don’t care? Me either! What’s important to me is that they are both excellent (and yummy) sources of protein. But here’s the issue with eggs, in my experience. Those suckers are deceptively filling. I am hard pressed to finish two hard boiled eggs even at three years …

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