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No-Flour, Low-Sugar Gingerbread Men

This cookie recipe is part of the 2018 Bariatric Foodie No-Flour, Sugar-Free Cookie Collection, sponsored by Sola. Click here to get back to the entire collection! Y’all really need to know…I was nervous about taking on this cookie recipe. Like…how the hell do you make a ginger cookie without molasses? This is what I wondered to myself as I headed into …

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Yummy Fall Pork & Apple Stew

Hey you! Yes you. Rabid pumpkin people. You can keep your pumpkin, mkay? Cuz I’m alllllllllll about the apples. And they have hit my local farmers market in the biggest way. YASSSSSS! Pink ladies and Braeburn and MacIntosh and Honeycrisp and Jonagold and, and, and… Yeah. Y’all can keep the pumpkin. Imma be over here cracking out on apples. In …

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Peach-Ginger Chia Protein Popsicles

So first let’s address the elephant in the room: this is not the most attractive popsicle you’ve ever seen. If this popsicle were at television character, it’d probably be Jan Brady (not that Jan wasn’t attractive but she never thought she was as attractive as Marsha), especially in comparison to my Strawberry-Mint & Cheesecake protein pops. If it were a …

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Thai Shrimp Salad

Are you gearing up for that family BBQ yet? If you’re early out (or if eating around non-ops works your nerves), be sure to check out my survival guide to summer BBQ’s to help you deal. In the meantime, let’s move forward with recipes you might pass. This one is for folks who have families that like (or are receptive …

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