A few months back me and a bunch of other WLS bloggers did a “day in post-op eating” blog-fest, all of us posting our eating schedules on the same day.
I personally vowed to do that more often and…haven’t. Life gets busy and all that jazz. But I want to get back on the good foot.
This is what I ate last Friday.
Breakfast (8 a.m.):
Like many, I’m not in the mood to eat straight out of bed. I can but it’s sort of forced when I do and there is no joy in forced eating. I like food joy. Still, it’s important to take in nutrition pretty soon after you awaken (it increases your overall daily metabolism and gives you the energy and brain power to take on those morning meetings).
I just went with a chocolate Muscle Milk ready-to-drink shake. They sell these at my local 7-Eleven, which is where I got it. They are probably cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
Lunch (1:47 p.m.)
My former NUT (I have a groovy new one now) once told me this is too long to go between meals. But then she also said eat when you are hungry. If I follow the latter rule, this meal is right on time.
Ok, so let’s get a few things out of the way. Yes, I eat bread. Per my new NUT, I am allowed two servings of starch a day. (She helped me figure out that My Pyramid stuff and translate it into what it means for me, as a 3.5 year post-op. God bless her!)
I don’t generally attempt a whole sandwich in any circumstance. It’s just too much. But at 3.5 years post op I can eat half a sandwich (this is roast beef with a slice of pepperjack cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions and half a packet of mayo) and about half that cup of split pea soup (I’m thinking that’s a 10 oz. cup, so 5 oz. soup?). I was very satisfied.
Snack (about 6:30-ish)
After work, I decided to go get a pedicure. I had it in my mind I was going to get Ravens toes in support of my home team (alternating purple and black paint)! And I also decided to throw caution (and my expendable income) to the wind and go for the SPA pedicure. While enjoying every moment of that blissful experience I had one of these:
A large McCafe non-fat sugar-free vanilla iced latte. I must say these things are improving. When McD’s first came out with them, they were WEAK. Now it tastes like there is actual coffee product in them. Score for McD’s!
Dinner (about 9:15 p.m.)
I am a notoriously late dinner eater. I just am. I had a smorgasbord of leftovers in the fridge, so I decided to combine some of them. My phone was dead, so I did not get a pic, but I did get a bit of my Chicken a la Nik, along with a teeny, tiny piece of Mexican Egg Casserole (pictured) and a bit of salad mix that needed using.
Late night snack (about 11:30 or so)
One of these babies + 2 tbsp of whipped cream. BLISS!
There you have it. A day in the life of a 3.5 year post-op Bariatric Foodie! I promise to do this more often. And if I don’t, please get on my case about it!!!
I am 2 weeks post op, just ordered your holiday survival kit and i enjoy your page so much, it was referred to me by two recent post ops, all of us VSG. You make me smile every day, thank you.
Hi Jamie,
Well thank you very much! And I hope you enjoy the Survival Kit as much as I am enjoying creating it.
New to this site. VSG post op day 3. Where is the holiday survival kit?!
Hi Julie,
The Survival Kit is an item for purchase. You can learn more about it by clicking the page up top that says "Holiday Food Tasting" and there is a secure PayPal button on the right menu if you'd like to order one. They begin shipping at the very end of the month. Welcome!