You ready to be part of the most awesome Facebook community ever?
Because we’re ready to welcome you! Here’s how you join the group.
- Copy and paste this password: Flipperdegibbit
- Go to this link and request to join the group. (If that link doesn’t work you can search “Bariatric Foodie Nation” on Facebook but you’ll still need that password!)
- Paste that password in when asked for it. Also be sure to read and accept the group rules. Both of these things must happen for you to be let into the group.
- Then you’re in! Please allow up to 24 hours for an admin to approve you (it usually doesn’t take that long but…you know…just in case the zombie apocalypse starts or something…)
Again, I know this is a few more steps than joining other Facebook groups. But our group is private, drama-free and filled with supportive folks who went through the same stuff you did to get into the group. The end result is a safe space for you to get and give support – and I hope that’s worth a few extra steps!
I’ll also email you this info just in case you don’t have time to submit the request right now.
I’m so glad you joined our group. Can’t wait to get to know you better!